The following print information sources have information about your mental health issue. Check the publication date before you use any statistics to make sure you are getting up to date information.
To reference these books for your Bibliography, use the ORG, choose Book - printed and the variation depending on the number of authors.
These books are available in either print or eBooks. To download the PDF of these books at school go to the public drive on the network:\Library\Year 9 Mental health resources.
To reference these eBooks for your Bibliography, use the ORG, choose Book - online and the variation eBook with author.
To improve your search results, try using Google Advanced Search. Find it from Settings on your Google search page.
The poster below contains several ways to get better search results.
Try the following three:
When you search you can also use Tools to improve your search results. Using Any time is a great way to find up to date information. The search below uses tools to find statistics for post traumatic search which is searched as a phrase and limited to Australia.
Eastwood, K 2004, Women and girls in the Middle Ages, Crabtree, New York.
Medieval Lords 2014, Medieval Life and Times, accessed 3 May 2015, <>.
What is in text referencing?
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What is included in a in-text reference?
What is a reference list?
Use the word document below In text reference table to organise and keep track of your in text references.
The included PDF What technological devices are used to detect volcanoes has several in-text reference examples and a Reference List to help you use and understand in-text referencing.
For more information about Footnotes click here
The following eBooks include definition, causes and symptoms, treatments and other information. The statistics are American, so use a different information source to obtain Australian statistics about your mental health issue.
These books are part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library and you will need a password from the library staff to access them.
Bipolar disorder
Phobias (general information)
Post traumatic stress
Obsessive compulsive
To reference these eBooks for your Bibliography, use the ORG, choose Book - online and the variation eBook from database with editor.