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Science Issues Analysis : Genetically Modified Foods

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The database Middle School Research Centre provides full text newspaper and magazine articles. You will need a username and password to logon to this database. If you have a database bookmark from the library they will be on it!
In the find (search) field type your keywords. Your search results will be listed with the most recent at the top. Click on a title that interests you and as you read it look for extra keywords that are related to your topic you can use to broaden or narrow your search results.

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Clickview is used at school to provide access to our digital video collection.
At school use the Clickview Player and Clickview online at home to search and view our videos.
Click on the clickview player icon on your school computer desktop to gain access to Clickview. Use search to find the following titles.
Useful videos on Clickview include :
  • Science under attack (includes a segment in Chapter 4 which looks at genetically modified crops)
  • GM Frankenfood or famine buster? (27 mins. ABC Catalyst programme weighs up the pros and cons of genetically modified food.)