Use the library catalogue to search for the book you would like to read.
If it has a blue P by the green thumbs up symbol, it is a PRC title.
You can check out all our PRC titles by clicking on Quick Lists and the PRC lists.
The awards :
First year - Certificate
Second year - Bronze medal
Third year - Silver medal
Fourth year - Gold medal
Fifth year - Champion medal
Sixth year - Legend medal
Seventh year - Hall of Fame medal (you can have your name on PRC Hall of Fame Honour Roll website)
Eighth year - Hall of Fame Reader for Life certificate reflecting the number of years participated
Reading for the Premiers Reading Challenge begins on the 29th January and ends on the 6th September.
Click HERE to search the PRC booklists to check that the book you are reading is on the PRC list.
You can also include eBooks and audio books as part of your Premier's Reading Challenge.
If you are looking at the lists for ideas to read, remember you will need to check the Renmark High School library catalogue to see if we have a copy.
If you are a member of the Renmark Public Library you can also check for titles on their catalogue.