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Spanish Conquest of the Americas: Conquistadors

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Spanish Conquistadors

            Hernando Cortes            Hernando Cortes Biography                           

        Francisco de Orellana       Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca

         Francisco Pizarro      


Enter your Conquistadors name in the search box. If you are using this at school and the site is blocked, ask your teacher to unblock it for you. There is alot of biographical information about conquistadors including video links.

The Conquistadors

The Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas is revealed through the lives of four conquistadors: Pizarro, Orellana, Cortes and Cabeza de Vaca. Students can access information on their expeditions, their conquests and their discoveries. Contemporary letters and illustrations, commentary from historians and South American scrolls and images bring history to life.


The Spanish Conquistadors contains information about the conquistadors who accomplished the task of exploring, conquering and colonizing American territories after Christopher Columbus' expedition.