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Research Project: Initiating and planning the research

SACE research advice

The SACE research advice website has a wide range of fantastic documents to guide you under the following topics.

  • Asking the right questions
  • Writing and note-taking
  • Researching
  • Referencing
  • Group work

Tools for Developing Research Questions

This search engine locates and displays results in different ways, in images and as a concept map, than a traditional Google search. It might help you to explore your topic and identify a research question.

Background Reading

The more reading you do the better informed you and your research will be. Background reading will enable you to:

  • Discover what research exists on the topic;

  • Find areas not adequately covered;

  • Discover areas to investigate further;

  • Provide focus to your research;

  • Contribute to the creation of your research question.

Getting to your Research Question!

Check out these websites for ideas on how to develop your Research Question.

The Design of a Research Question

A research question provides a focus and specifies the purpose of the research.

Thick vs Thin questions

Starting your Research

Brainstorming Tools

Mindmapping is a good tool for brainstorming and generating ideas for your keywords. This will be a working document to add to and be evidence of your journey through the research process.

In the long run, this will save you time as it clarifies the task, generateds keywords for searching and defines the research parameters.

Learning how to use

Lotus Diagrams

A tool which is useful for brainstorming your topic and organising your ideas.

How to generate keywords to begin Searching

Criteria for excellent questions

  • Open-ended
  • Leads to asking other questions
  • Has more than a one word answer
  • Has more than one right answer
  • Requires effort and deep research
  • Not obvious or easily answered
  • Leads to multiple perspectives
  • Keeps you thinking/thought provoking
  • Could lead to controversy/debate